Lesson Recordings

Lesson Recordings

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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
11/05/23 What is Truth? Caleb Adkisson Sermon Meditations on the Cross Sun AM MVI_0921.mp3
11/05/23 Class: Matthew 6 - "Doing Your Righteousness": Prayer (Part 3) Caleb Adkisson Bible Class Class: Gospel of Matthew Sun Bible Study MVI_0920.mp3
11/02/23 Class: Matthew 6 - "Doing Your Righteousness": Prayer (Part 2) Caleb Adkisson Bible Class Class: Gospel of Matthew Mid-week Bible Study MVI_0918_clipped.mp3
10/29/23 Peter's Account of Cornelius Conversion Caleb Adkisson Sermon New Testament Gospel Sermons Sun PM MVI_0917.mp3
10/29/23 King of the Jews Caleb Adkisson Sermon Meditations on the Cross Sun AM MVI_0916.mp3
10/29/23 Class: Matthew 6 - "Doing Your Righteousness": Prayer Caleb Adkisson Bible Class Class: Gospel of Matthew Sun Bible Study MVI_0915.mp3
10/26/23 Class: Matthew 6 - "Doing Your Righteousness": Almsdeeds Caleb Adkisson Bible Class Class: Gospel of Matthew Mid-week Bible Study MVI_0913.mp3
10/22/23 Father Forgive Them Caleb Adkisson Sermon Meditations on the Cross Sun AM MVI_0912.mp3
10/22/23 Class: Matthew 5 - Love Your Enemies Caleb Adkisson Bible Class Class: Gospel of Matthew Sun Bible Study MVI_0911.mp3
10/19/23 Class: Matthew 5 - Retaliation Caleb Adkisson Bible Class Class: Gospel of Matthew Mid-week Bible Study MVI_0910.mp3
10/15/23 Q&A Night Caleb Adkisson Q&A Q&A Sun PM MVI_0909.mp3
10/15/23 Forsaken Caleb Adkisson Sermon Meditations on the Cross Sun AM MVI_0908.mp3
10/15/23 Class: Matthew 5 - Oaths Caleb Adkisson Bible Class Class: Gospel of Matthew Sun Bible Study MVI_0907.mp3
10/12/23 Class: Matthew 5 - Divorce, Oaths Caleb Adkisson Bible Class Class: Gospel of Matthew Mid-week Bible Study MVI_0906.mp3
10/08/23 Peter's Sermon to the Household of Cornelius Caleb Adkisson Sermon N/A Sun PM MVI_0905.mp3
10/08/23 His Blood Be Upon Us and Our Children Caleb Adkisson Sermon Meditations on the Cross Sun AM MVI_0904.mp3
10/08/23 Class: Matthew 5 - Lust Caleb Adkisson Bible Class Class: Gospel of Matthew Sun Bible Study MVI_0903.mp3
10/05/23 Class: Matthew 5 - Anger Caleb Adkisson Bible Class Class: Gospel of Matthew Mid-week Bible Study MVI_0902.mp3
10/01/23 Stephen the Martyr's Sermon Caleb Adkisson Sermon New Testament Gospel Sermons Sun PM MVI_0901.mp3
10/01/23 A Ransom for Many Caleb Adkisson Sermon Meditations on the Cross Sun AM MVI_0900.mp3
10/01/23 Class: Matthew 5 - Salt and Light Caleb Adkisson Bible Class Class: Gospel of Matthew Sun Bible Study MVI_0899.mp3
09/28/23 Class: Matthew 5 - Beatitudes Conclusion Caleb Adkisson Bible Class Class: Gospel of Matthew Sun Bible Study MVI_0898.mp3
09/24/23 The Silence of Jesus Caleb Adkisson Sermon Meditations on the Cross Sun AM MVI_0897.mp3
09/24/23 Class: Matthew 5 - The Meek/Those Who Hunger and Thirst After Righteousness Caleb Adkisson Bible Class Class: Gospel of Matthew Sun Bible Study MVI_0896.mp3
09/21/23 Class: Matthew 5 - The Beatitudes Caleb Adkisson Bible Class Class: Gospel of Matthew Mid-week Bible Study MVI_0895.mp3

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