Lesson Recordings

Lesson Recordings

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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
06/30/24 Who Can Make Straight What He Has Made Crooked Caleb Adkisson Sermon Ecclesiastes - Adkisson Sun AM MVI_1062.mp3
06/30/24 Class: Matthew 22 - The Wedding Feast (cont) Caleb Adkisson Bible Class Class: Gospel of Matthew Sun Bible Study MVI_1061.mp3
06/27/24 Class: Matthew 22 - The Wedding Feast Caleb Adkisson Bible Class Class: Gospel of Matthew Mid-week Bible Study MVI_1059.mp3
06/23/24 In the House of Mourning Caleb Adkisson Sermon Ecclesiastes - Adkisson Sun AM MVI_1058.mp3
06/23/24 Class: Matthew 21 - Parable of the Tenants Caleb Adkisson Bible Class Class: Gospel of Matthew Sun Bible Study MVI_1057.mp3
06/20/24 Class: Matthew 21 - By What Authority Caleb Adkisson Bible Class Class: Gospel of Matthew Mid-week Bible Study MVI_1056.mp3
06/16/24 Q&A Night Caleb Adkisson Q&A Q&A Sun PM MVI_1055.mp3
06/16/24 When Goods Increase Caleb Adkisson Sermon Ecclesiastes - Adkisson Sun AM MVI_1054.mp3
06/16/24 Class: Matthew 21 - The Fig Tree Caleb Adkisson Bible Class Class: Gospel of Matthew Sun Bible Study MVI_1053.mp3
06/13/24 Class: Matthew 21 - Cleansing the Temple Caleb Adkisson Bible Class Class: Gospel of Matthew Mid-week Bible Study MVI_1052.mp3
06/09/24 I Will Make You a Signet Caleb Adkisson Sermon Haggai Sun PM MVI_1051.mp3
06/09/24 When You Go to the House of God Caleb Adkisson Sermon Ecclesiastes - Adkisson Sun AM MVI_1050.mp3
06/09/24 Class: Matthew 20 - Two Blind Men Caleb Adkisson Bible Class Class: Gospel of Matthew Sun Bible Study 20240609_class_Matthew_20_Two_Blind_Men.mp3
06/09/24 Class: Matthew 20 - You Do Not Know What You Are Asking Caleb Adkisson Bible Class Class: Gospel of Matthew Mid-week Bible Study 20240606_class_Matthew_20_You_Do_Not_Know_What_You_Ask.mp3
06/02/24 Does it Become Holy? Caleb Adkisson Sermon Haggai Sun PM MVI_1047.mp3
06/02/24 A Handful of Quietness Caleb Adkisson Sermon Ecclesiastes - Adkisson Sun AM MVI_1046.mp3
06/02/24 Class: Matthew 20 - The Laborers Caleb Adkisson Bible Class Class: Gospel of Matthew Sun Bible Study MVI_1045.mp3
05/30/24 Class: Matthew 19 - The Eye of a Needle Caleb Adkisson Bible Class Class: Gospel of Matthew Mid-week Bible Study MVI_1044.mp3
05/26/24 The Tears of the Oppressed Caleb Adkisson Sermon Ecclesiastes - Adkisson Sun Bible Study MVI_1042.mp3
05/26/24 Class: Matthew 19 - A Rich Young Man Caleb Adkisson Bible Class Class: Gospel of Matthew Sun Bible Study MVI_1041.mp3
05/23/24 Class: Matthew 19 - Divorce and Remarriage Caleb Adkisson Bible Class Class: Gospel of Matthew Mid-week Bible Study MVI_1040.mp3
05/19/24 Q&A Night Caleb Adkisson Q&A N/A Sun PM MVI_1039.mp3
05/19/24 A Time for Every Purpose Under Heaven Caleb Adkisson Sermon Ecclesiastes - Adkisson Sun AM MVI_1038.mp3
05/19/24 Class: Matthew 18 - The Wicked Servant Caleb Adkisson Bible Class Class: Gospel of Matthew Sun Bible Study MVI_1037.mp3
05/16/24 Class: Matthew 18 - If Your Brother Sins Against You Caleb Adkisson Bible Class N/A Mid-week Bible Study MVI_1036.mp3

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