Lesson Recordings

Lesson Recordings

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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
03/28/24 Class: Matthew 16 - The Rock Caleb Adkisson Bible Class Class: Gospel of Matthew Mid-week Bible Study MVI_1005.mp3
03/24/24 Contend For the Faith Caleb Adkisson Sermon Jude Sun AM MVI_1004.mp3
03/24/24 Class: Matthew 16 - The Great Confession Caleb Adkisson Bible Class Class: Gospel of Matthew Sun Bible Study MVI_1003.mp3
03/21/24 Class: Matthew 16 - Leaven of the Pharisees Caleb Adkisson Bible Class Class: Gospel of Matthew Mid-week Bible Study MVI_1001.mp3
03/17/24 Q&A Night Caleb Adkisson Q&A Q&A Sun PM MVI_0999.mp3
03/17/24 Certain Men Crept In Unnoticed Caleb Adkisson Sermon Jude Sun AM MVI_0998.mp3
03/17/24 Class: Matthew 15 - Promises of Mount Zion Caleb Adkisson Bible Class Class: Gospel of Matthew Sun Bible Study MVI_0997.mp3
03/14/24 Class: Matthew 15 - The Canaanite Woman Caleb Adkisson Bible Class Class: Gospel of Matthew Mid-week Bible Study MVI_0996.mp3
03/10/24 Increasing in Love Caleb Adkisson Sermon Divine Qualities Sun PM MVI_0995.mp3
03/10/24 Why Do You Make Us Wander From Your Ways? Caleb Adkisson Sermon Isaiah Sun AM MVI_0994.mp3
03/10/24 Class: Matthew 15 - Eating With Unwashed Hands (cont) Caleb Adkisson Bible Class Class: Gospel of Matthew Sun Bible Study MVI_0993.mp3
03/07/24 Class: Matthew 15 - Eating With Unwashed Hands Caleb Adkisson Bible Class Class: Gospel of Matthew Mid-week Bible Study MVI_0992.mp3
03/03/24 Increasing in Brotherly Love Caleb Adkisson Sermon Divine Qualities Sun PM MVI_0991.mp3
03/03/24 Come, Everyone Who Thirsts Caleb Adkisson Sermon Isaiah Sun AM MVI_0990.mp3
03/03/24 Class: Matthew 14 - Signs of Jesus' Divinity Caleb Adkisson Bible Class Class: Gospel of Matthew Sun Bible Study MVI_0989.mp3
02/29/24 Class: Matthew 14 - Jesus Walks on Water Caleb Adkisson Bible Class Class: Gospel of Matthew Mid-week Bible Study MVI_0988.mp3
02/25/24 To Whom Will You Compare Me? Caleb Adkisson Sermon Isaiah Sun AM 20240225am_sermon_To_Whom_Will_You_Compare_Me.mp3
02/25/24 Class: Matthew 14 - Jesus Feeds 5000 Caleb Adkisson Bible Class Class: Gospel of Matthew Sun Bible Study 20240225_class_Jesus_Feeds_5000.mp3
02/22/24 Class: Matthew 13-14 - Jesus Rejected/John Beheaded Caleb Adkisson Bible Class Class: Gospel of Matthew Mid-week Bible Study MVI_0985.mp3
02/18/24 Increasing in Godliness Caleb Adkisson Sermon Divine Qualities Sun PM MVI_0984.mp3
02/18/24 There Will Be Peace and Security In My Days Caleb Adkisson Sermon Isaiah Sun AM MVI_0983.mp3
02/18/24 Class: Matthew 13 - Treasure Parables Caleb Adkisson Bible Class Class: Gospel of Matthew Sun Bible Study MVI_0982.mp3
02/15/24 Class: Matthew 12 - Parables of Weeds in the Field/Treasure Caleb Adkisson Bible Class Class: Gospel of Matthew Mid-week Bible Study MVI_0981.mp3
02/11/24 Sermon by Dennis Trask Dennis Trask Sermon N/A Sun PM MVI_0980.mp3
02/11/24 Strengthen the Weak Hands Caleb Adkisson Sermon Isaiah Sun AM MVI_0979.mp3

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