Bible Classes

Bible Classes

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Date Title Speaker Series Service Files Play
11/11/18 Law of Moses - Genesis 14 Caleb Adkisson Class: Law of Moses Sun Bible Study 20181111_class_adkisson.mp3
11/08/18 Law of Moses - Genesis 13 Caleb Adkisson Class: Law of Moses Mid-week Bible Study 20181108_class_adkisson.mp3
11/04/18 Law of Moses - Genesis 12 Caleb Adkisson Class: Law of Moses Sun Bible Study 20181104_class_adkisson.mp3
11/01/18 Law of Moses - Genesis 11 Caleb Adkisson Class: Law of Moses Mid-week Bible Study 20181101_class_adkisson.mp3
10/28/18 Law of Moses - Genesis 9-10 Caleb Adkisson Class: Law of Moses Sun Bible Study 20181028_class_adkisson.mp3
10/25/18 Law of Moses - Genesis 6-9 Caleb Adkisson Class: Law of Moses Mid-week Bible Study 20181025_class_adkisson.mp3
10/21/18 Law of Moses - Genesis 4-5 Caleb Adkisson Class: Law of Moses Sun Bible Study 20181021_class_adkisson.mp3
10/18/18 Law of Moses - Genesis 2-3 Caleb Adkisson Class: Law of Moses Mid-week Bible Study 20181018_class_adkisson.mp3
10/14/18 Law of Moses - Genesis 1 Caleb Adkisson Class: Law of Moses Sun Bible Study 20181014_class_adkisson.mp3
10/11/18 Law of Moses - Introduction (part 2) Caleb Adkisson Class: Law of Moses Mid-week Bible Study 20181011_class_adkisson.mp3
10/07/18 Law of Moses - Introduction Caleb Adkisson Class: Law of Moses Sun Bible Study 20181007_class_adkisson.mp3
10/04/18 Harmony of the Gospels Caleb Adkisson Class: Harmony of the Gospels Mid-week Bible Study 20181004_class_adkisson.mp3
09/30/18 Harmony of the Gospels Caleb Adkisson Class: Harmony of the Gospels Sun Bible Study 20180930_class_adkisson.mp3
09/27/18 Harmony of the Gospels Antonio Seay Class: Harmony of the Gospels Mid-week Bible Study 20180927_class_delaney.mp3
09/23/18 Harmony of the Gospels Keith Delaney Class: Harmony of the Gospels Sun Bible Study 20180923_class_delaney.mp3
09/20/18 Harmony of the Gospels Keith Delaney Class: Harmony of the Gospels Mid-week Bible Study 20180920_class_delaney.mp3
09/16/18 Harmony of the Gospels Keith Delaney Class: Harmony of the Gospels Sun Bible Study 20180916_class_delaney.mp3
09/13/18 Harmony of the Gospels Keith Delaney Class: Harmony of the Gospels Mid-week Bible Study 20180913_class_delaney.mp3
09/09/18 Harmony of the Gospels Keith Delaney Class: Harmony of the Gospels Sun Bible Study 20180909_class_delaney.mp3
09/06/18 Harmony of the Gospels Keith Delaney Class: Harmony of the Gospels Mid-week Bible Study 20180906_class_delaney.mp3
09/02/18 Harmony of the Gospels Keith Delaney Class: Harmony of the Gospels Sun Bible Study 20180902_class_delaney.mp3
08/30/18 Harmony of the Gospels Keith Delaney Class: Harmony of the Gospels Mid-week Bible Study 20180830_class_delaney.mp3
08/26/18 Harmony of the Gospels Keith Delaney Class: Harmony of the Gospels Sun Bible Study 20180826_class_delaney.mp3
08/23/18 Harmony of the Gospels Keith Delaney Class: Harmony of the Gospels Mid-week Bible Study 20180823_class_delaney.mp3
08/19/18 Harmony of the Gospels Keith Delaney Class: Harmony of the Gospels Sun Bible Study 20180819_class_delaney.mp3

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